So The Cool Kids have been getting pretty big lately, huh? Kinda crazy considering that Chuck, or previously known as Evan was just some random dude that my roommate met her first year of college and would come over to her apt occasionally to chill. Now they are everywhere! When I was in NY 2 weeks ago they were there, pitchfork, CMJ, touring nonspot apparently and people are loving them. I was never big on hip/hop but I do like their old school styleeeeeeee. Its really great for them to be getting so much attention. I love when hipsters gather and pretend to be ghetto by listening to rap and starting dancing/bopping "ghetto". Its hilarious and I love it.
I am planning on seeing them with Flosstradamus at their free show at the MCA on Oct 7th. All my favorite things come together that day: modern art, sick music, and Free. (I love free and Flosstradamus).
So according to Shitdisco's myspace, their North American toured has been canceled. Shit! Thats lame. Apparently band member Joel has gotten violently sick and the doctor's don't know what is wrong with him. Thats unfortunate. Seeing them was my motivation to go to the Klaxons show here at the Vic next week. I should have gone to see them in Shoreditch, London, but instead went to the lame club Mahiki in Mayfair pretending to be rich. Should I still go see the Klaxons? Eh. Maybe. We'll see, since I'll be getting back to Chi from New York that day.
I do like dancing though. Which is why my roommate and I have no pants dance parties every night. Or at least nights we drink. Or ok, every night. People are more than welcome to come to our no pants dance parties, and I will dj and it will be sick. That was irrelevant to this post.
From when I thought the only hot music coming out of France was electro and house and Justice and danceable beats, this french folk singer girl, Soko grabbed my attention. Maybe I have a soft side for people with cute accents. But even though this song is about killing a girl, it makes me happy. Does that make sense at all? It makes murder or the thought of murder sound beautiful. Damn I wish I wanted to kill someone right now.
Don't mind me that I am a huge nerd that I have actually thought about how I miss math classes and solving math equations (its true. Ask my roommate, I talk about it all the time). I guess I can satisfy this longing my listening to my favorite math rock band. I am a huge fan of the UK band, the Foals. I think they're great with their rhythmic complexity, yet danceable tunes. Dancing is always appreciated, even if you look like a drunken idiot. I do regret not seeing them at Camden Crawl in London because I hear they put on a sick show.
Mathletics - Foals Hummer - Foals Astronauts and All - Foals But they will be in NY for CMJ at the Bowery Ballroom. Maybe if I am out there by then, I can see them :) Their album is supposed to be coming out within the next few months. I am excited. Maybe I will do some math while listening to them. Or not. Or maybe yes. At least I can wear my math necklace I made for danny's rave. It says 8 divided by 4. Very difficult.
Everyone loves that damn show Heroes. I will admit I started watching it.. um yesterday. I caved. Goddamnit. Thats why I am selling my tv. So basically it is on, and I am in my party room right now listening to random music. The new M.I.A. album, Kala is really good. I didn't like at first from first listen, but more and more I have gotten into. Not allowed to put any of her songs up, but take a listen. I personally like Paper Planes. Her lyrics inspired by politics and humanity can grasp your imagination and makes you want to go out and do something and be a hero (beside sit at home and read music blogs and watch Heroes, not that I am doing that now or anything).
This has nothing to do with Heroes, but I am really liking this song. Engine - La Priest ts getting a lot of buzz lately. La Priest is the singer Sam of Late of the Pier's side project. It could be something big. big. big. big.
French electro can be heroes these days I swear. The French and Ed Banger seems to be pushing out artists actually making American hipsters dance. And I thought that would be impossible only a few years ago. Straaatch is no different. They make us want to dance. Their dirty electro is more to the liking of the Institubes fellas. Take a listen. Beware of dancing.
After seeing them in Boston in the completely unnatural setting, I was excited to be able to see them again a few days later at one of my favorite venues in Chicago. And I am not gonna complain about the free entry with RSVP and the free Budweiser Select, (shit i got drunk in an hour) and the ton of Redken hair product I seemed to leave the place with. Negatives: Again, weird crowd. It was definitely more tolerable than the Boston show at the Avalon, but it was still awkward. It also didn't make sense for Flavorpill to close the RSVP list about a week earlier due to full capacity, but from what I could see, the space was hardly at capacity. Simian Mobile Disco should be envoking the entire place to dance and have a good time, but there were only about 6 or 7 people dancing in the front. What the fuck? " People don't dance no more (uh huh) They just stand there like this (yeah!) They cross their arms and stare you down and drink and moan and piss (ok!)" -(the Rapture understands). I still danced, even though I was probably being stared down at. I think SMD show might have been better at the Avalon. The crowd definitely seemed more appreciative and even though people might have been grinding or other ridiculousness, they still enjoyed themselves.The afterparty at Funky Buddha was quite entertaining, with the "hot body contest" (which was more like who wants to show their dick or tits contest)। The Simian dj set was pretty whack. I think it lasted about 15 minutes before they had to close the place down. WHACK. But its all good, i was drunk and probably being an asshole because that is what I am good at when drunk. (Ok lets not kid ourselves, when I am sober as well).
OK, A lineup like this, of course it should be a good time right? maybe if the place wasn't infested with button up striped shirt frat boys or douchey men trying to grind up on anything with tits, or college girls who for some reason believe this concert is a trashy euro club. I've never been to Boston before, but my friend informed me Boston is full of weirdos. Affirmative. Dan Deacon was of course great. Too bad that my friends and I were misinformed of the concert start time, so they all missed the set, beside me who saw about half of it. He always manages to make every show a great time and didn't fail here. The space was huge and Dan acknowledged this and there weren't that many people there for his set but it was still fun. He did do the same gauntlet that he did at HideOut the previous weekend in Chicago. People seemed to get really into prancing down the human made "gauntlet". Once Simian Mobile Disco got on stage, all the freaks and weirdos came out of nowhere. Dancing shitbags were in my way. I had to go all the way to the back to where it was less crowded and more room for me to enjoy the show. The set was really sweet. I think the large space helped with Simian's lights and such. The unnatural scene was a bit overwhelming that I decided it was time for me to get wasted and.... I never fail at that goal. Before I knew it, Girl Talk was on and I was drunk. I now thought it was necessary for me to make my way in to stage. Then, I had the time of my life dancing in center front row of the show and having everyone on the floor watch me make a fool out of myself. AWESOME! If I didn't get myself drunk, this concert would have probably not been up to par to what the lineup proposed. Girl Talk seems to be a great time. Gregg Gills has not failed me yet. Here's a video I found where you can sense the madness.
This day I was endlessly waiting for to arrive, finally did and it was more than I expected. My brave soul and companion, amanda flew to New York for Calvin's American debut. Having seen him 3 and 1/2 times (the 1/2 accounts for the time the douchebag bouncer let us in like halfway through the entrance until his set was over, fucker) in London, I knew what a great show this would be. Especially in such a small venue like the Mercury Lounge. Besides being surrounded by assholes who felt the need to compare who knew the most about Calvin Harris, I had a blast. (too bad these exact assholes were jealous of me when I made it clear that I had seen him several times before) Reading other blogs and reviews of the show, apparently found the show to be entirely full of dancing machine concertgoers. I don't know if that was considered to be dancing to New Yorkers, but I am pretty sure maybe about 10 people were dancing. There was a lot of head bopping. COME ON PEOPLE! Its fun, ridiculous music that makes you want to dance like an idiot! Also irritating was the girl in the front row who looked like she was dragged there with her arms crossed the entire time, carrying the look of death. COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY! Of course another girl who was dancing hard was from CHICAGO, and knew how to actually enjoy ourselves. I danced so hard it was one of the most fun concerts I have been to, and definitely one of the best Calvin shows. The time I saw him at Camden Crawl may be comparable. Afterwards, a bunch of people we met went to the afterparty at Happy Endings. Got to meet the band and hang out with them, minus mr. calvin himself. Lame. But it was fun. Got drunk. The bassist David and I are now bff. A good night. When they come back in early 2008, make sure you go see him. Its honestly a guaranteed GOOD TIME!
The songs are put on the with love and admiration, but solely for the purpose of sampling. Enjoy the music, support the bands, buy their albums, see their shows, etc. If the songs posted are a concern, please contact me and they will kindly be removed from the site.
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