When I was in London, everyone always talked about Jack Penate. And from the beginning I did not like his music. I was asked in queue for friendly fires at camden crawl if i like him and immediately yelled no. Then everyone around stared at me as if I was crazy (as they stand there to collect little Jack Penate pins and etc). I don't know why but he seriously frustrates me. I don't think his songs are catchy or even good or even remotely enjoyable to listen to. yes. I will continue to vent about not liking Jack Penate. Trust me I tried, but I have come to terms that it is never going to happen.
Same goes with Jamie T. So damn whiny.
I will have a better post tomorrow. Hopefully before my night of drinking and celebrating my move to New York. I will enjoy Chicago to every last drop. ( i will probably gain about 30 pounds in these next two weeks from the amount of greasy fatty food I will eat and the immense amount of alcohol I will consume). Here is a stupid song that people like and you probably will too. But I am going to stand firm and continue not to like it. Why did I even write an entire post on him then? i dont know.
Everyone I talk to just keeps talking about the damn Radioheadalbum. "O did you listen to it yet? How much did you pay for it? My favorite album right now is In Rainbows... Did you know you can download their album on their website? ladididida.." Great. During my extremely difficult temp job, I think I listened to it about a million times. And here is my review. Its a good album. Not amazing like one seems to be making it out to be. My personal favorite is Weird Fish/Arpeggi. I think mostly because it puts me in a better mood than the rest of the songs for some odd reason. I think the best thing about this album is the title because.... I like rainbows and to be IN a rainbow would be pretty fantastic. I am having difficulties functioning in life at the moment because I am once again addicted to that stupid game Snood. I am so obsessed it is not even funny. I got my roommate addicted to it to. The other roommate is addicted to Solataire (that I dont really understand). Has nothing to do with music but I am so consumed with it that it needs to be mention. Hopefully this obsession will end.... tomorrow....
Besides that, my favorite TV show at this moment, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia had a hilarious episode this week and I was dying on the floor of laughter. I love Charlie. and I love that show.
Basically in the last 2 hours my eye has become clearly infected as it is scaring my roommate and I've suddenly gotten sick with a runny nose and general congestion. Being in New York for the past week, I have been all over the place. The possibility of me moving there has become greater. hmmm. The only show that I was able to catch was Bloc Party at msg. It was good. Not amazing. But definitely entertaining. Sounded great live, I'll give them that. The crowd could have been more into it. Strange mix of ppl. I scalped my ticket, and the guy who sold me his said he had to go watch the Cubs game on tv. Cubs? Do ppl actually care? i guess so. I don't. I didn't catch Tokyo Police Club at all because I was too busy drinking before the show. I think it was for the best. My final review of the show? Eh. Entertaining. Glad to be drunk for it. Not worth what I paid for it. The end.
I have been 1) too lazy and 2) somewhat sick to go to the many shows that seemed to be going on. I have been enjoying the Modeselektor, Happy Birthday album. I had it for awhile but never got around to really listen to it. Its definitely interesting in the genre aspect. Hard to classify. But whether it be the electronic beats with a hop or techno, it seems to work and come together. The album has songs featuring Thom Yorke, Maximo Park, Puppetmastaz. Interesting. My eye hurts. I'm gonna go do something about it. Here's Modeselektor's music video for "Black Block"
OOOO ive never been so angry at something in my life. It has gotten to the point where you are sitting there yelling at a tiny machine as if it can understand what you are saying and that yelling will actually be effective. Nevertheless it is driving me crazy. The guys at the Apple store say that I'm a bad parent and I say, You, working at the Apple store, you're an idiot. (sorry, anger...problems..) This is my 4th Ipod in 2 and a half years. If i wasn't such a broke ass, I would probably go get another one. Or maybe I can unknowingly seduce the employee like last time to have him give me a brand new, more expensive, newer model for free. Alright, time for a necessary break from trying to fix my Ipod.So these guys, Partyshank, I have been thoroughly enjoying. A lot of feedback I've heard about these guys were that it was too noisy and a bit irritating, but I think its quite clever. They basically combine electro beats with noises from children's toys into tunes that turn a dancefloor into a riot. I mean if I only thought of that and was actually capable of making music in general, I would be able to make some mad creative beats. (hahahahahahahahahaahaha i mean if sitting in my apt with my guitar and with the amp on and not actually playing counts as a skill) And can they get any better having sets dressed in a hot dog costume? Definitely. Check out the song Penis vs Vagina on their myspacebecause I don't have it.
Apparently, Partyshank is being compared to a similar sound to Dat Politics. I mean maybe the use of jungle undertones and breakbeats. Take a listen for yourself.
The songs are put on the with love and admiration, but solely for the purpose of sampling. Enjoy the music, support the bands, buy their albums, see their shows, etc. If the songs posted are a concern, please contact me and they will kindly be removed from the site.
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