Monday, October 27, 2008
Some Quick Bang Gang Before the Real Deal
So I was planning on posting on Bang Gang DJ's by the end of the week BUT yesterday they released a ridiculously amazing remix of Kicking and Screaming by the Presets which I wanted to share with y'all.
The Presets - Kicking and Screaming (Bang Gang DJ's E is for Edit rmx)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Wallpaper, Ya Dig?
So I had the distinct privilege of seeing Wallpaper perform twice during their jaunt around the city. The duo of Arjun Singh (drums) and Ricky Reed (vox and keyboard) hail from the beloved city of Oakland, California. You may remember Oakland for blessing us with such gems as Scraper Bikes and Keak da Sneak.
So take Chromeo, add a bunch of Pfunkt, little bit o' Biggie and some general ridiculousness and you have birthed a stellar brainchild which makes you want to hump inanimate objects. Wallpaper, thankfully, will be back in New York this week for CMJ - likely wearing some sort of gold lame and making people dance. You should definately try to get to the shows. I can safely say that my evenings at Wallpaper shows have been some of the most amusing I've had in NEw York - and if you're lucky, you might have Mr. Reed grinding all up on you by the end of the night.
Dates Are:
10/21 Santos Party House 11.15 pm
10/23 205 Club 11.30 pm
10/23 Webster Hall 1.30 am
10/24 Le Royale 12.00 am
Sidenote: Congrats to the band who recently won the SF Weekly Music Awards for Best Electronic Act. Their acceptance speech can be found here
Wallpaper - T-Rex
Wallpaper - Everytime We Do It
Monday, November 19, 2007
Partyshank Mixtape

Here is the tracklisting and the mixxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
01 - Partyshank - Penis Vs. Vagina-Shanks Killer Remix
02 - Herve - Cheap Thrills (original mix)
03 - Sinden + Count Of Monte Cristal - Tamborzuda
04 - Duke Dumont - Dukes Fanfare
05 - I Will Shank You For A Penny - Tight Little Pussy
06 - The Cat - Dusty Kid (Crookers remix)
07 - Partyshank - Mix Me
08 - Le Castlevania - Trouble (LaRemix)
09 - Partyshank Vs Yo majesty vs I will Shank You For A Penny- Bootleg
10 - Justice - Dance (Blake Miller Is Ruthless remix)
11 - I Will Shank You For A Penny - Dancer In The Dark
12 - Boys Noize - Erole Attack
13 - I Will Shank You For A Penny - On And On
14 - I Will Shank You For A Penny - Sorry For Laughing
15 - Boys Noize - Shine Shine
Looks like Danny has got some competition :)
Polytechnic Not Polyphonic Spree please

Friday night I was able to go see the British band Polytechnic at the mercury lounge on friday whom I discovered at Camden Crawl this year. I actually bought their album right away after hearing them and... thats a rarity. I was expecting it to be pretty empty since no one seems to know who they are, and I was right. It's ok because it seemed like they were doing a private show for just me. We started talking to Dylan the guitarist/lead singer and they were really chill guys. We tried to meet up at a few parties during the weekend, but it didn't seem to happen. Nevertheless, you all missed out bc they are good and you were most likely not there and I believe you can dance to their tunes. If you can't, then you are not fun.
man overboard - polytechnic
pep - polytechnic
A New Mix... Which is Actually Mixed
Thanks for coming out to Murdercola if you were able. I had pulled an allnighter the night before so sorry if I was a little bit out of it.
Anyhow, made another mix from Serious Business In Argyle
(My girlfriend and my radio show, Friday Nights 7-9
There's my plug.
Anyhow, it's mixed quite a bit better than last time
Apologies for repeating a song or two...
Here's the list for the week
Grafton Primary - You Think I Can Cook (Miami Horror rmx)
Chromeo - Bonafide Lovin' (LA Riots rmx)
Fugees - Ready or Not (Trouble and Bass rmx)
Claude Von Stroke - The Whistler (Jesse Rose edit)
Alan Braxe and Friends - The Music Sounds Better with You
Erol Alkan - Vladivostok
Fujiya and Miyagi - Collarbone
Midnight Juggernauts - Road to Recovery (Miami Horror rmx)
Matt and Kim - Yea Yea (Flosstradomus rmx)
TEPR - Minuit Jacuzzi
Enjoy and leave some comments!!
The Mix is HERE
Thursday, November 15, 2007
A Health-y Helping

Thursday night and i'm exhausted for basically no reason and watching Casper for memories sake (and since its on and everything else on TV sucks balls and I'm actually a retarded 10 years old girl). Nevertheless this band, Health has caught my attention. They seem to be gaining much recent popularity and I say rightfully so. They are pretty much effectively constructed noise-rock or whatnot, but then have become popular in the dance world. Everyone seems to be remixing their shit and it sounds good! There is even a myspace page, Disco//Health that simply just consists of remixes of their tunessss. Pretty sweet. If my band, Awkward Ponies, ever become famous (and we will considering all we have is a completely original concept and no actual music composition but i think me on the synthesizer/keyboard should be enough) I want a remix page made. Remember that. And make it sassy. Thanks.
Glitter Pills - Health
Triceratops - Health
Crimewaves - Health vs Crystal Castles
Tabloid Sores - Health (Nosaj Thing Remix)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Murdercola 3 Bitches

For all of you in the Pittsburgh, PA region - you have plans this Friday.
Little ol'me is opening. Check it out.
You know what it is and you love it. Murdercola 3 is kickin' it this Friday, November 16th, with louder beats and bangers than your annoying roommate who listens to White Snake too much and your grandma's phonograph combined.
You'll be joined by your favorites Danny O, Kid Cassady and Djunkt, and now our special guest DJ Howlermonkey (from Pitchfork, MSTRKRFT show, & Roller Boogie). We'll keep the soda poppin' all night long. Same place, same rules as usual: 21+ at Remedy Bar, 10:00pm-2:00am, Free before 11, $2 after.
10:00pm - 11:00pm - Danny O
11:00pm - Midnight - Kid Cassady
Midnight - 1am - Djunkt
1am - 2am - Howlermonkey
Attention all boys and girls: dance.
More Foals - A Bit Obsessed
Monday, November 12, 2007
A Decent But Incredibly Poorly Mixed - Mix
Tracklist is as follows:
DatA - Aerius Light
Klaxons - As Above, So Below (Justice Rmx)
Grafton Primary - I Can Cook (Miami Horror Rmx)
Calvin Harris - Merrymaking at My Place (Deadmau5 Rmx)
Partyshank - Penis vs. Vagina Rmx
Steed Lord -Feel The Heat
Digitalism - Idealistic (Shinichi Osawa Rmx)
Rich Boy - Throw Some D's On It (Estaw Rmx)
Russ Chimes - She's Got the Heat
MSTRKRFT / Beyonce - Lose My Easy Love (Gingy Mashup)
Hot Chip - Coulours (Fred Falke Rmx)
Find this mix HERE
I'm going to try to post mixes like this more frequently. If you have requests of stuff you'd like to have included, please let me know. Hopefully the dj craftsmanship will improve as well.
We're also on myspace now
Tell all of your friends and friend us. Like woah.
Colorado Lovin

air waves (pictureplane remix) - crystal castles
day glowwed - pictureplane
no law - pictureplane